Tuesday, 7 December 2010


I am on the ships computer at the minute but I should be able to get laptop and some pics sorted later. Last couple of days have been rough!! The ship's been like a ghost town. I was fine until we  (me and dean) paid a visit to the bridge on sunday afternoon, there for about 30 minutes and within 5 minutes of leaving up came lunch!!!!!!!! Slept through tea and decided to start taking sea sickness tablets, woke at about 6am yesterday, went down for a coffee and that was up by the time i made it up 1 flight of stairs!!! no need..

Was ok the rest of yesterday had roast pork and all the trimmings for tea (albeit a small plate:)) sunset at about 20:30 was superb and sunrise at 04:30 this morning was just as spectacular with a relative mill pond sea!! ;)

I spotted the first hump back whales before, 3 small ones!!!!!! too far for photos but apparently rare for where we are!!!

We are only 1 hour ahead now, crossed a timeline last night!!

Gotta go now and get some fresh air :) 

1 comment:

CM said...

You really got up at 4.30!I didn't think you knew such a time existed!